Publications - Publications Related to OEI's projects

Omnitech Electronics Incorporated (OEI) is proud of its projects that support scientists around the world. In particular, OEI has worked with Defence Research and Development Canada (DRDC) on many projects over the last 30 years. Below is a list of some of the publications that have been produced with the support of equipment designed by OEI.

NGAS and DUSN autonomous underwater sensor systems

Arctic ambient noise measurements in support of the Northern Watch Project
Prepatory work using DRDC's NGAS/Starfish to characterize the environmental conditions before final development of the NWUSS acoustic arrays.

Distributed Underwater Sensor Networks CFMETR Field trial Spring 2018
OEI provides development support for DRDC's research into distributed underwater sensor networks that provide surveillance capabilities through networked autonomous devices.

DRDC Starfish Acoustic Sentinel and Phase Gradient Histogram Tracking
While the scientists develop new methods to monitor, process, and interpret the surveillance environment, OEI supports them phyiscal implementations of the hardware and optimization and embedding of the processing algorithms.

Joint Arctic Experiment 2014: Autonomous Underwater Sensor Network Logistics
OEI has been involved in autonomous underwater sensor development for over 10 years.

Passive Acoustic Arrays

Developing an Underwater Acoustic Array System for the Northern Watch Technology Demonstration Project
Initial development efforts of the Northern Watch acoustic arrays.

Overview of the technical results of the Northern Watch Project
A detailed report on the NWUSS project over many years.

Canadian Arctic Underwater Sentinel Experiment (CAUSE)-Gascoyne Inlet Camp 2017 field trial
One of many trips DRDC has made to the Canadian Arctic to monitor the Northern Watch underwater passive acoustic arrays.

Signals of Opportunity based Geometry Calibration of Hydrophone Arrays
The Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI) has used the PASS-2447 arrays for many years. This is one of the publications produced using data from these arrays.

Magnetic Systems

A Robust Calibration and Alignment Procedure for Collocated Magnetometer and Accelerometer Sensors
OEI's equipment provides excellent performance and cost effectiveness for magnetic degaussing range applications.

Acoustic Homing

The Evolution of an Acoustic Homing System for Underwater Vehicles
Testing of the novel homing system used by DRDC in support of the Canadian submission to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).

The Phase Gradient Bearing Estimation Algorithm
The phase gradient algorithm was originally pioneered by DRDC for use in the Long Range Acoustic Beacon before being reused in following NGAS/DUSN applications.

Project Cornerstone – Using AUVs for Bathymetry Measurements in the Arctic
Presentation detailing DRDCs plan for UNCLOS support.

Project Cornerstone
Summary of development, deployment and engineering results.

12 days under ice--a historic AUV deployment in the Canadian High Arctic
Details of historic autonomous under-ice traversal.

Short range localization of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles

Acoustic Localization of an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle

Other Projects

Cornerstone Autonomous AUV Homing and Localization for UNCLOS
Record-breaking distances for under-ice autonomous mapping assisted by LRAB
NGAS-2440 Next Generation Autonomous Systems NATO Joint Research Project
Next Generation Autonomous Systems NATO Joint Research Project
OMMS Onboard Magnetic Monitoring System - Signature Management System
distributed magnetic measurement system for onboard signature monitoring
ASIA-2220 Automatic Ship Image Acquisition System
Autonomously builds a database of strategic high-quality images for all passing vessels.
NWUSS Remote Arctic Technology Demonstration Project
Remotely deployed arctic acoustic arrays